Teledermatology is the delivery of dermatologic health care to remote locations by means of telecommunications and information technology. It facilitates delivery of services by a dermatologist at a different time and place than the patient who receives them. Both real-time videoconferences and store-and-forward systems have proven to be highly reliable and accurate in teledermatologic diagnosis compared to traditional face-to-face diagnosis.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Anti histamines for urticaria pigmentosa

Mastocytosis is a rare disorder characterized by abnormal accumulations of mast cells in skin, bone marrow, and internal organs such as the liver, spleen and lymph nodes. The most common form of the cutaneous mastocytosis is urticaria pigmentosa characterised by the development of multiple brown macules which urticate on rubbing or scratching(Darier sign). Which antihistamines are most effective to control the symptoms of urticaria pigmentosa. Do the mast cell stabilisers have a role? View images


Blogger Dr Ian McColl said...

Dear Shahbaz,
It is a very individual thing with antihistamines.You often have to go through an example from each of the classes to see which is best for that individual patient.I find the newer nonsedating ones best.
Best wishes

3:39 AM


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